Thursday, July 26, 2012


Dr. Karla Turner

So then: we've had the likes of Arianna here, honored or exposed (depending on your very own perception, entirely - and hers, evidently!) as a "barbarian - luminous style"...!  She has things to say and passes on information at such a rate that it could be said that she, er, radiates it? THAT is being a "barbarian... luminous style!" people!  But we didn't stop there: we've had the likes of K.O. Kelly Oxford, that tweeting twitteress extraordinaire that transformed the rather dull process of summarizing your thoughts into 140 characters into some sort of artform - or, at least some think it to be the case. So she's not merely a blabbermouth or a motormouth on the web: she's spewing forth short and concise witticisms at such a rate that it is perhaps alarming - or simply as close as humanly-possible to light-speed, hence it has to be luminous... if only in style, only!
We've also had, of course, those who simply spat out nonsense with vigorous verve and that certain je-ne-sais-quoi that some call joie-de-vivre - such as former Governor General of Canada Michaelle Jean and her compatriote Michèle Richard, to have but two abysmal examples: now those (and their like) made the cut due to the fact that they were genuinely funny and incisive too - and that is luminous barbarism, right there, indubitably! 

However, overviewing all of these (and the rest of them) that were spotlighted here on U.A.N.G.A.D. over time, we have to admit that we have but skimmed the surface of possible solid cases for the dubious title of modern-day barbarians - luminous style!  There are far better specimens out there (or there were) - ones that are much, much more advanced in their sage unruliness, savant not-giving-a-damnness and wise luminescent barbarism overall! And here is just one of those right now, one who puts Arianna, Kelly, Michaelle and Michéle to shame, really (the latter two cancelled each other out anyways: and, the case could be made, now more than ever, that, perhaps, the former two cancel each other out, too! But that is another story...) however, alas, this one is one who is no longer with us...

Dr. Karla Turner was a specialist of another breed - she was shunned by her peers as some sort of "loon" surely, but the fact was that she was not. Rumors abound that she was in fact MURDERED for sharing so candidly her findings, innermost beliefs and top secret information, all in one breath, almost - all in her last breath, almost, too. For, as you can see and hear (below and elsewhere on the web) Karla Turner did far more than share little tidbits of disparate thoughts on a social networking site like Kelly O does: Karla Turner shared terrifying facts about reprehensible behaviour at various levels of your military forces, the scientific elite, the powers-that-be and their associated agencies at varied levels...

Hmm... another attempt at silencing Dr. Turner? Not gonna happen.

Eons ahead of a mere "conspiracy theorist" or anything of the sort, Karla Turner told the TRUTH: and paid the ultimate price for it ("ultimate" as we conceive of it, of course, in our rather short and oftentimes dismal earthly existences - of course. Nothing pessimistic or fatalistic about this: just being my old Realist-self and trying to reach as wide an audience as possible: and, truth be told, once again, the majority is quite simply not happy 99% of the time: hmm, where have we seen that number, again...? That's another story.)  And she doesn't even have her own Wikipedia page for all her troubles! As she stated oftentimes, her work, her research, was dismissed by many as pure science-fiction: but it was always being paid the utmost attention to by those pesky powers-that-be, and she always knew it.

Karla Turner has to be liked by any child of the television age out there for so many reasons, too: but the fact is that one simple reason (if superficial one at best) suffices to explain it. The child of the television age will recognize in here echoes of some of their favorite TV heroes, the ones that championed the truth at all costs, regardless of possible consequences. She is, in fact, a female version (and quite improved version too) of the good ol' David Vincent character from that time-honored Quinn Martin production we all loved to watch, back in the day - through endless repeats or as a brand-new show, if you are old enough, of course... Light years above the humdrum renditions of truth-seekers of latter times (Mulder & Scully) David Vincent (or as I liked to call him: "D.V."!) was a normal individual yet a specialist too, a professional with everyday concerns and nothing else: until the day he became exposed to another reality, the hidden truth, and could not possibly keep mum about it, much less simply "get it out of his head" and go on with his routine as if nothing had happened...  Once you know the truth, you cannot keep silent. The most cowardly will, though: but not the heroic, not the unruly heroic, not those who only give a damn about one thing and that thing is THE TRUTH! In brief, not the Karla Turners among us. She spread the word about what horrific things she found out and was silenced way before her time - way before her appointed time, appointed time by a Higher Power, meaning God, not E.T.s; just making that part clear, too...  She left us at the age of 48, as she was only beginning to reach the masses with her findings. Many believe that, as it was the case with many others who represented hardcore evidence of these findings and were found dead shortly after, Dr. Turner's early demise was provoked and the cause of her death -an especially virulent kind of cancer- was induced and not naturally developed by her own body... She was effectively silenced - but, luckily, the recordings (and writings) remain and her voice can still be heard. Everywhere. And in many languages too...

Verily, Karla Turner is to be equated to a martyr or even a Joan of Ark of modern times. So yes...
Let's give the final word here to Dr. Karla Turner - for she deserves our attention far more than the Kelly Oxfords, Arianna Huffingtons, Oprah Winfreys or whatevers of our world these days...

"It's not "aliens." - It's M.K.ULTRA."


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